Terms of Use

Terms of UseTerms of Use

Terms of Use

Terms of Use

Last updated on April 2024

Welcome to Luso Home’s Terms of Use!

These Terms of Use apply to the Users of the Luso Homes website – as defined below – who are not only able to browse and view properties but also to advertise properties.

If you are just a Visitor, please check the Terms of Service.

Please read them carefully.

1. Introduction, General Information and Acceptance of Terms:

Luso Homes is a real estate portal (hereinafter referred to as "Luso Homes" or "we"/”us”), property of Luso Digital Assets, Unipessoal, Lda. (hereinafter referred to as “Luso” or “LDA”), and created for the purpose of connecting the real estate world and the crypto world.

Luso Homes provides these Terms of Use for its Users (hereinafter referred to as the " Terms of Use") that govern:

  • The access, registration, use, publication and navigation under the domain www.luso.homes and its respective subdomains or mobile applications, owned by LDA under the brand “Luso Homes” (hereinafter the "Website").
  • The download and use of any information, text, images, or other content that Visitors can access from the Website.

By accessing and using our Website, you agree to comply with and to be bound by the following Terms of Use.

Our Website, hosted under the domain www.luso.homes and its subdomains, contains a technological platform that we provide so you can:

  • Browse, search and view real estate ads being advertised on the Website (hereinafter the "Services"); and
  • Create an account and publish real estate ads for the sale of properties, located in Portugal, in both euros and cryptocurrency (hereinafter the "Additional Services").

As stated before, these Terms of Use will apply to the users accessing not only the Services but also the Additional Services (hereinafter the “Users”). Are considered Users the Agencies and Agents, as per point 3. of these Terms of Use.

For the visitors (hereinafter the “Visitors”) that will only use the Services – i.e., who can browse, search and view real estate ads being advertised in the Website – other Terms are applicable, namely our Terms of Service, that can be found here: Terms of Service

Luso Homes is a real estate platform, with a non-profit intent, that merely facilitates contact between its Users offering the property, those seeking properties to purchase, and other entities that can assist them in this transaction.

Luso Homes would also like to clarify that:

  • It does not intervene in real estate transactions that may arise from the aforementioned contacts between sellers, buyers, and third parties.
  • Is not a real estate agency, does not have a profit-making purpose, and is not engaged in buying and selling properties.

Luso Homes is a product of Luso Digital Assets, with the latter being the owner of this Website, with the following company details:

  • Corporate name: Luso Digital Assets, Unipessoal Lda.
  • Unique company registration and tax identification number (NIPC): 515979600
  • Registered office: Rua Princesa D. Amélia, n.º 20 L, 9000-019 Funchal, Portugal
  • Luso Digital Assets is not a brokerage company and does not advertise properties in its own name. 

The User can get in touch at any time by postal mail to the address mentioned above, or through the website https://www.lusodigitalassets.com/.

2. Access to the Website and General Conditions of the Services

Before using Luso Homes’s Services and Additional Services, Users must read and agree with these Terms of Use. The use of any of Luso Homes' Services and Additional Services implies the Users' full and express adherence and acceptance of all of the Terms of Use.

By accepting the Terms of Use, Users also agree to the following:

  • Compliance with the laws of the Portuguese Republic;
  • Not to use Luso Homes' Services and Additional Services for illicit activities; and
  • Not to interfere with or disrupt networks connected to the Services and Additional Services.

If, at any time and for any reason, Users do not wish to accept the Terms of Use, they must stop using Luso Homes' Website.

Luso Homes reserves itself the right to expand, modify, replace, and/or cancel any of its Services and/or Additional Services at any time, as well as to modify the present Terms of Use. Therefore, whenever Visitors access the real estate portal, they should review the present Terms of Use.

2.1 Registration and User’s Accounts

The procedure for the creation of a new account (registry) is detailed in point 3., bellow. Nevertheless, it is of the utmost importance that the Users hereby undertake not to share access to their account with others, as well as their credentials for login.

For the registry, Users will need to provide a fully functioning email – to which they, and only they, have access– and to define a password with 8 (eight) characters or more, at least 1 (one) capital letter, and at least 1 (one) special character.

Every user may only have one account in the Luso Homes Portal.

The Users guarantee that they will not share with others the access to the email they used to register on the Luso Homes Website, the use of the Luso Homes account, and that they are solely responsible for the security of their credentials.

Luso Homes and Luso Digital Assets waive any responsibility for the safekeeping of the Users’ login credentials.

2.2 Usage Restrictions and Users’ General Responsibility and Liability

Luso Homes’ Users undertake and assume full responsibility:

  • Not to use the Website, its Services, and its Additional Services for illicit purposes or in contradiction with these Terms of Use.
  • To use the Website only for personal and/or commercial purposes and not for reselling or transferring its content, or for providing its use or benefit to any other person or entity.
  • Not to use, transfer, distribute, or dispose of the information included in the Services and in the Additional Services in a way that could unfairly compete with Luso Homes or with Luso Digital Assets.
  • To acknowledge that the Services have been developed, compiled, prepared, reviewed, selected, and fully conceived as a product of Luso Digital Assets.
  • To protect the Luso Homes’ and Luso Digital Assets’ copyrights during and after the validity of this agreement.
  • To comply with all written requests made by Luso Homes, Luso Digital Assets or its suppliers regarding the Services and the Additional Services, and to protect their contractual, statutory, and legal rights.
  • To inform Luso Homes, in writing and promptly, if they become aware of any unauthorized use of the Services or the Additional Services by third parties or violations of copyright or trademarks.
  • Not to copy, reproduce, recompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, distribute, publish, display, perform, modify, import, create derivative works, transmit, or exploit parts of the Website, except for importing content from the Services and/or the Additional Services, and/or making a copy for their personal non-profit use, always acknowledging all copyrights.
  • Not to modify the content obtained through the Website.

Users are not authorized to use the copyrights, Services, Additional Services, and trademarks of Luso Digital Assets – specifically the product "Luso Homes" – or third parties in a way that creates the impression that such marks, services, or rights belong to them, are associated with them, or are used with the authorization of Luso Digital Assets or their (other) rightful owners.

Users also acknowledge that they do not have any ownership rights over these Services, the Additional Services, and trademarks.

Users agree to promptly inform Luso Digital Assets, through the Luso Homes Website or otherwise, whenever they know of any unauthorized use of the Website, of the Services or the Additional Services or become aware of a violation of Luso Digital Assets’ or third parties’ right, or if there is any use contrary to the Terms of Use.

3. The use of the Additional Services

Visitor can use the Services and explore property listings provided by real estate agencies and their respective agents. They also may contact the real estate agents through the contact information contained in the listings.

On the other hand, Users are the real estate agencies and agents. Users are not only responsible for uploading the property listings but also fully responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in the same.

Luso Digital Assets, as the owner of Luso Homes, waivers any kind of responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in the properties’ listings – namely but not limited to the characteristics, state of conservation, and availability of the property, the price, the agent’s and/or agency’s contact information, the availability of the seller to carry out the sale totally or partially in cryptocurrency, among others. 

3.1 General

To become Users of the Luso Homes Portal, Agencies must enter into a Partnership Agreement with Luso Digital Assets, the owner of the Portal. This Agreement establishes the rights and responsibilities of both parties.

On the other hand, Agents do not need to sign a Partnership Agreement, but only to be registered by an Agency. No Agents will be registered on the Luso Homes Portal without being associated with an Agency, as the latter will be responsible for the former’s actions.

Agencies are responsible for the registration of their Agents and will be able to manage them – i.e. create, inactivate, and reactivate their profiles –, as they are associated with their Agency’s brand. The Agency’s profile is the main profile and the Agents’ profiles will be sub-profiles, managed by the first.

Agents will be responsible for uploading the property listings they are assigned.

3.2 Registration of an Agency – The main profile

After the signing of the Partnership Agreement, the Agency will be able to complete its registration on the Luso Homes’ Website, culminating in a new profile. This will be carried out through a link-invite, sent to the email declared by the Agency in the Partnership Agreement. This email will also be the one associated with the Agency’s account on the Luso Homes Website.

After opening the link-invite and providing the information required, the Agency will have to submit it for review and approval. If any data is missing or any contradiction in the declared information, the link will be returned for further completion.

Once the Agency's registration is completed, it will now be able to create link-invites to register its Agents and to manage the Agents associated with the first. The registration and the operation of the Agency’s profile shall be performed by the person with the due powers to sign the Partnership Agreement and to manage the Agency.

3.3 Registration of an Agent – The sub-profile

Agencies will be able to register their Agents through the designated option in their profile.

The Agency will have to fill the blank space with the email associated with the Agent’s account. After pressing “SEND”, a link-invite will be automatically created and sent to the Agent’s e-mail. The Agent shall open the link, fill in the information requested, and submit. This information will be reviewed and approved.

If any data is missing or any contradiction in the declared information, the link will be returned for further completion.

After the registration process is completed, the Agents can create various property listings for the real estate properties they are managing.

3.4 Guidelines and rules for the creation of property listings

To create a property listing, the Agent shall press the designated option in the back-office of his profile. It is mandatory to fill in all the property’s information, upload photos, and submit required documents, including the Real Estate Brokerage Agreement, Land Registry Certificate, Tax Authorities Certificate, Energy Certificate, and any other legally required documents.

After that, the Luso Digital Assets will review the listing request and approve it or return it to the Agent for further clarification or completion.

Along with the property’s information and photos, the listing will feature:

  • The name and contacts of the Agent responsible for the listing;
  • The Agency which the Agent is associated with and its AMI license.

At any time, Users may alter the content of a property listing through the competent option in their profile. The listing alteration will after that be reviewed and approved and/or returned in the same way as the new listing request.

When using the Additional Services, specifically when publishing property listings, Users undertake:

  • Not to publish listings with repeated images or without images. Luso Homes reserves the right to automatically remove these images.
  • Not to publish listings with any type of multimedia content (such as photos, videos, virtual tours, or 3D images) that are not relevant to the ad – such as empty images, monuments, tourist or commercial areas in the property area, animals, or people). Luso Homes reserves the right to automatically remove these images.
  • Not to publish ads with images, plans, or any other type of multimedia content (such as videos, virtual tours, or 3D images) that do not correspond to the advertised property or are not related to the announced operation (for example, images or videos related to the advertiser's professional activity or another property distinct from the one published). Luso Homes reserves the right to automatically remove these images.
  • Not to publish own or third-party multimedia content with inappropriate, defamatory, illegal themes, or information that violates any third-party rights (including, notably, image rights, data protection, or intellectual or industrial property rights).
  • Not to publish own or third-party multimedia content containing advertiser contact data, watermarks, logos, or texts that are irrelevant or unrelated to the advertised property.
  • Not to publish more than 3 (three) photographs of the area (surroundings) where the property is located. Luso Homes reserves the right to automatically remove these images.
  • Not to include in the listing description information that is not relevant or related to the published property – such as the User’s advertising content, its professional activity, or other properties distinct from the listed one.
  • Not to publish more than 1 (one) listing for the same property simultaneously, nor add or remove the same properties repeatedly.
  • Not to list properties that will not be available in the short term, nor advertise properties that are already reserved, sold, or rented.
  • Not to publish listings with incorrect prices (for example, indicating that the price includes a garage and adding the additional garage price in the property description).
  • To Include in the listings any information that may be mandatory under current legislation.
  • In general, not to engage in any artificial conduct to obtain an illicit position in the listings of the Website or cause misleading alerts to Visitors (for example, repeatedly uploading and removing the same images or changing the ad description without apparent justification).

Finally, a property listing does not have a maximum amount of time it can be displayed on the Luso Homes’ Website. Nevertheless, every 120 (one hundred and twenty) days, counting from the posting of the listing, an email will be automatically sent requesting confirmation from the User regarding the availability of that specific property. If the User does not answer within 48 (forty-eight) hours, the property listing will be removed. 

3.5 User’s obligations and responsibilities

The Agency shall:

  • Obtain permission from the owner(s) of the property(ies) to be listed on the Website;
  • Inactivate an Agent's profile within a maximum of 48 (forty-eight) hours after the relationship between the two has ended.
  • Be responsible for the acts of their Agents, namely but not limited to the accuracy of the information provided in the property listings.
  • Provide all of its data upon the creation of its profile truthfully and accurately.

The Agent shall:

  • Ensure the accuracy of the information provided in the property listings;
  • Avoid publishing repeated listings;
  • Provide all the property documents duly updated when a property is listed;
  • Provide a copy of the Real Estate Brokerage Agreement;
  • Remove the listings within 48 (forty-eight) hours after the definite sale of the property or the termination of the Real Estate Brokerage Agreement.
  • Inform if a Real Estate Brokerage Agreement associated with a certain property expires and a new one is signed for the same property.
  • Provide all of its data upon the creation of its profile truthfully and accurately.

3.6 Termination of Accounts and Appeal Process

In the event of non-compliance with the present Terms of Use or, specifically, with the responsibilities foreseen in point 3.5, even if just temporarily or indirectly, the Agent’s or Agency’s account will be terminated, without prior warning, and any compensation to the respective User, in any case.

Additionally, if Users improperly and/or unlawfully use the Website, the Services, and/or the Additional Services, particularly by directly or indirectly violating the Terms of Use, they will be held accountable before Luso Digital Assets and/or judicially for any damage or harm caused.

In the event of account termination, should the User perceive such termination as unjust or unlawful, a path for appeal is available.

The User may initiate the appeal process by contacting us through the designated channel at support@luso.homes. The appeal communication must distinctly identify the User, whether an Agency or Agent (and the associated Agency) and articulate the reasons for contesting the termination as unjust or unlawful.

Upon receipt of the appeal, our team will diligently review the circumstances surrounding the account termination. We commit to providing a response within a reasonable timeframe, and in no case later than 60 (sixty) days from the date of receiving the appeal. This comprehensive review aims to ensure fairness and adherence to our policies in addressing the concerns raised by the User.

3.7 Profile Deactivation and Reactivation Process

To render an Agent’s profile inactive, the Agency's authorized representative is required to log into the Agency’s account and select the "ACCOUNT DEACTIVATION" option. Subsequently, the representative shall identify the specific Agent for deactivation and press the corresponding option.

After the deactivation process is terminated, the Agency's authorized representative can, at any time, reactivate the profile, through the option “REATIVATE ACCOUNT”.

Should an account be deactivated, the Agency retains the discretion to reactivate it at its sole discretion.

It is expressly disclaimed that both Luso Homes and Luso Digital Assets reject any responsibility concerning the activation or deactivation of Agents’ profiles. Any appeals or queries related to the activation or deactivation of an Agent's profile should be directed to the Agency that originally created the said Agent's profile.

Regarding the deactivation of an Agency’s account, its existence is tightly dependent on the validity of the Partnership Agreement entered into with Luso Digital Assets, the owner of the real estate portal. To deactivate its account the Agency first needs to terminate the Partnership Agreement, following which its account will be deactivated.

4. The services offered by LDA and currency conversion in crypto transactions

Although this platform does not have a profitable purpose, through the same, Luso Digital Assets advertises its services to intermediate real estate transactions in which the purchaser wishes to pay the price in cryptocurrency but the seller wishes to receive it in euros (hereinafter the “LDA Services”).

These LDA Services are mere options, meaning that if a purchaser sees a property, in the Luso Homes’ Website, and wishes to buy it in euros, nothing prevents it. Nevertheless, and as per the Partnership Agreement, if the Agency enables the sale to be carried out in crypto and euros, the LDA Services must be used.

Regarding the amounts displayed on the Luso Homes Website, we utilize the Kraken Exchange Platform as the foundational reference for real-time cryptocurrency prices in euros. These values are updated every 5 (five) seconds.

Also, the values that are reflected in the property listings will reflect the EURO price plus 0,5 % fee, and EUR/CRYPTO base price + 0,5 % fee – which is the fee Luso Digital Assets will charge if it is chosen to trade the property using LDA Services do intermediate it.

Property prices are displayed in euros and other currencies – namely cryptocurrencies – for informational purposes only. Any currency conversion services are not provided on this platform.

If you wish to seek kind of services in these matters, please refer to Luso Digital Asset’s website.

5. Payment and transactions within the LDA Services:

5.1 LDA Services

If both the buyer and seller opt for the execution of a real estate transaction in cryptocurrency, Luso Digital Assets will serve as an intermediary during the purchasing process, facilitating the conversion of crypto from the buyer to euros for the seller.

To supply this service, both the seller and purchaser are required to register on the LDA website and furnish all necessary documents and information under the prevailing laws and Luso's Compliance procedures.

The onboarding process will undergo a thorough review by the Compliance team, either resulting in approval or, if necessary, returned to the clients for further completion. The successful completion of the onboarding process on the Luso website indicates full registration before Luso Digital Assets. For any queries regarding the required documents and/or information, please contact Luso Digital Assets at support@lusodigitalassets.com.

Following the completion of onboarding for both parties, the purchaser will deposit the corresponding crypto amount into their LDA personal account and initiate the transfer of said crypto to another Luso client’s account, specifically the seller’s account. Simultaneously, the seller will request LDA to withdraw the crypto amounts transferred by the purchaser to a bank account registered in their name.

Additionally, both parties are obliged to provide LDA with a copy of the promissory agreement and the deed of purchase and sale, if requested. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these procedures for a seamless and secure transaction process.

5.2. Payment methods accepted

Luso Digital Assets acknowledges a comprehensive array of payment methods.

However, concerning the LDA Services outlined in these Terms of Use, and considering the anticipated higher transaction volumes, payments shall be restricted to the following:

  • Instant SEPA credit transfer;
  • SEPA bank transfer; and
  • International wire transfer (restrictions may be applicable).

6. Anti-Fraud Measures

To prevent fraudulent use of the Services and of the Additional Services, Luso Homes has developed a procedure to verify, to the best of its ability, the integrity and accuracy of the information published in the property listings.

Therefore, although we cannot guarantee the absolute truthfulness of the information, Luso Homes only publishes listing after the real estate agent submits some of the property’s documents. This documentation is reviewed by the Luso Digital Assets’ Compliance team, the owner of this real estate portal. Therefore, the listing only proceeds if they have no reason to suspect the veracity of the analyzed documentation.

Luso Homes will make every effort to investigate all occurrences of fraud that may be reported. In such cases, the User (the Agent and/or Agency) must cooperate in conducting the investigation.

By using the Services and the Additional Services, Users acknowledge and accept that Luso Homes and LDA will not be liable, in any way, for direct or indirect losses and damages related to the fraudulent use of its Services and/or Additional Services, including but not limited to:

  • Loss of income or profits;
  • Loss of business; and
  • Loss of benefits or contracts.

Luso Homes reserves the right to implement any other anti-fraud measures it deems appropriate or necessary at any time.

7. Intellectual Property

By accepting these Terms of Use, Users acknowledge and agree that – except when stated otherwise – all rights to the materials and elements appearing on the Website (including, but not limited to, designs, texts, graphics, maps, photographs, images, audio, video, distinctive signs, logos, trademarks, trade names, domains, software, etc.) belong to Luso Digital Assets, as the owner of Luso Homes, or in some cases, to third parties who have legally consented to their use by LDA.

All content on property details or listings is owned by the respective listing Agents and Agencies – and when they do not own this content, they are expressly authorized do share it in their clients’ behalf. Users may not use, reproduce, or distribute other Users’ content without permission.

The fact that we allow Users to access, navigate, use, and/or download materials from the Website does not, under any circumstances, imply that we waive, transfer, or assign our rights, nor does it grant users ownership over them. Users only have a right of strictly professional use, solely to enjoy the Services and the Additional Services.

Therefore, Users may not manipulate any identification element of Luso Homes or other respective owners. In particular, the use of any material or elements from the Website for inclusion on other third-party websites and/or app is prohibited without obtaining our prior written authorization, as well as using any element or information to create the impression that they belong to or are associated with the User.

Specifically, it is not allowed to resell, perform deep links, use, copy, monitor, display, download, store, or reproduce the content, information, software, products, or services available on our Website for any commercial or competitive activity without our prior written authorization.

8. Personal Data and Privacy Policy

For compliance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation, Luso Homes informs users of the existence of a Privacy Policy specifically tailored to the reality of this real estate service.

Luso Homes’ Privacy Policy clearly and concisely describes Luso Homes' obligations in this area, the rights of our Visitors and Users, and the purposes of processing personal data. It governs the collection, use, and storage of data, which are handled in agreement with the Portuguese and European Laws, namely the GDPR.

By using the Website, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy.

For further information regarding this topic, please read our Privacy Policy here

9. Responsibility for the content, content moderation, and content reporting

Although the Users are responsible for the content of the properties’ listings, the rest of the content of the Website is of Luso Digital Assets’ responsibility, as the owner of Luso Homes.

By accepting these Terms of Use, Users grant Luso Digital Assets irrevocable and non-transferable permission to use the images they uploaded in the property listings in advertisements to the Luso Homes’ Services and Additional Services.

The Website’s content, the Services, and the Additional Services are provided in an “as is” manner and we do not guarantee, explicitly or implicitly, that the elements are suitable for a specific purpose or particular use.

Also, we do not guarantee that the Services and the Additional Services available on the Website are compatible with the User’s hardware or software, nor that they are free from errors, viruses, worms, or trojan horses (trojans), and assume no responsibility for damages or losses caused by these destructive elements.

The content of other websites, goods, or advertising ads that may be linked to the Website are not managed or controlled by Luso Homes or Luso Digital Assets, and therefore we cannot be held responsible for its availability, content, or accuracy.

We reserve ourselves the right to moderate our Website, by promptly removing any content that violates our policies or is considered inappropriate, without prior notice or explicit justification.

Users are encouraged to report content for review by using the designated button within property listings.

Should the content requiring reporting not be associated with a specific property listing, Users are requested to contact us via email at support@luso.homes. In the email, Users should articulate the reasons why they find the content offensive and/or inappropriate.

Upon receipt of the User's report, Luso Homes will conduct a thorough review and subsequently decide, at its sole discretion, whether to remove the reported content. It is important to note that Luso Homes will not provide justifications for its decision to the reporting User.

10. Liabilities and Disclaimers

Users access the Website, use the Services and of the Additional Services at their own risk.

We do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of properties’ information and are not responsible for any transactions or agreements made amongst Visitors, Users, or others. Users acknowledge and accept that any contractual or non-contractual relationship they formalize with Luso Homes’ or Luso Digital Assets’ partners, advertisers, or third parties contacted through our real estate portal, are understood as established solely and exclusively between that specific user and the partner, advertiser, and/or third party in question.

By accepting these Terms of Use, Users acknowledge that Luso Homes and Luso Digital Assets, their employees, partners, potential subsidiaries and/or affiliates, successors, assignees, suppliers, and agents are not responsible for:

  • Damages caused by the negligence of the real estate portal, its Users, employees, freelancers, agents, suppliers, or other partners related to the Services and/or to the Additional Services;
  • Loss of profits, general losses, indirect or collateral damages, or any resulting legal actions against LDA by third parties;
  • Failures, discrepancies, omissions, delays, interruptions, or other errors and/or omissions in the Services and/or in the Additional Services caused by Users’ computers.
  • Losses or damages, or for any other reason of non-compliance.

By accepting these Terms of Use, Users acknowledge also that Luso Homes and Luso Digital Assets are not explicitly or implicitly responsible for:

  • The use of links provided on the Website for other services;
  • The accuracy, completeness, usefulness, or suitability of the property information or any other services on the internet, services, goods, or advertising ads that may be advertised through the Website;
  • The accuracy or continuous availability of the telephone lines and equipment that the Users use to access the Website.

Nothing on this Website’s content is intended to be, and should not be interpreted as, an advertisement, solicitation, or a recommendation to engage in the trading, purchase, or sale of any sort of digital asset, security, financial product, or instrument.

Luso Digital Assets does not provide advice on any matters related to digital assets trading. Individuals engaging in digital asset related activities are urged to conduct thorough research, seek professional advice, and acknowledge the associated risks before engaging.

Any communications from Luso Digital Assets are to imply that digital asset services are low-risk or risk-free. Digital assets’ prices have been historically volatile, with potential for significant fluctuations, and may potentially lead to partial or total loss of the invested capital.

11. Limits of Civil Liability and Indemnification

Users accept that Luso Homes and Luso Digital Assets will never be held responsible, under any circumstances, for damages that may arise from the transmission, dissemination, storage, availability, receipt, obtaining, or access to the Website, nor for damages that may result from:

  • Non-compliance, by its Visitors, Users, and/or partners, with the law, morals, generally accepted good customs, or public order, as a consequence of obtaining, using, or accessing the Website, the Services, and/or the Additional Services;
  • Infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights, trade secrets, contractual commitments of any kind, rights to honor, personal and family privacy, and the image of individuals, and property rights belonging to a third party, by its users and/or partners, as a consequence of the improper use of the Website, of the Services or of the Additional Services;
  • Acts of unfair competition and unlawful advertising by its Visitors, Users, and/or partners, as a consequence of using the Website, the Services, or the Additional Services;
  • Inadequacy for any kind of purpose and disappointment of expectations generated by their Services and/or Additional Services;
  • Non-fulfillment, delayed fulfillment, defective fulfillment, or termination, for any reason, of obligations contracted with third parties and contracts entered into with third parties, due to the impossibility of accessing the Website, the Services, and/or the Additional Services.

Finally, Users agree to indemnify and hold Luso Homes and/or Luso Digital Assets harmless from any claims or liabilities arising from their use of the website.

12. Declarations and Warranties

The Users declare and warrant that:

  • They have the legal capacity to be part of this agreement.
  • They are at least 18 (eighteen) years old.
  • They will not use any rights granted to them in these Terms of Use, in the Services, and/or in the Additional Services for illegal or illegitimate purposes.

13. Changes to Terms of Use, Governing Law, and Termination of the Relationship

We may update these Terms of Use from time to time. Users must revisit these Terms of Use every time they intend to use the Services and/or the Additional Services. Continued use of the website constitutes acceptance of the updated terms.

These terms are governed by the laws of Portugal. Any disputes will be resolved by the laws of this jurisdiction.

Any conflict that may arise in connection with the use of our Website, our Services, and our Additional Services will be submitted and resolved, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, by the Courts of Lisbon.

Both the User and Luso Homes may terminate their relationship at any time, without prior notice, for non-compliance with the provisions of the Terms of Use.

Upon termination of the contract, the User will no longer be able to use the Services and the Additional Services, and must destroy all material obtained from it. Also, if the User fails to comply with any provision outlined in the Terms of Use, Luso Homes, without prejudice to any liability for damages that may result, may immediately and without prior notice terminate the relationship with the same, banning them and interrupting their access to the Website or to its Services.

14. Cookies

Luso Homes informs its Users about the use of "cookies" on its Website.

Our Website uses cookies to distinguish its Visitors and Users from one another. This helps Luso Homes provide its Visitors and Users with a good experience when browsing our Website and allows us to improve their performance. By continuing to browse our Website, you agree to our use of cookies.

A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that is downloaded to your computer when you visit a website. Cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer's hard drive and are not used to personally identify you.

On Luso Homes' Website, we use the following cookies:

  • Strictly necessary cookies – these are cookies necessary for the operation of our Website. They include, for example, cookies that allow you to access secure areas of our Website.
  • Analytical/performance cookies – these cookies allow us to recognize and count the number of Visitors and/or Users and see how they move around our Website when they use it. This helps us improve the way our Website work, for example, by ensuring that users easily find what they are looking for.

Your web browser may allow some control of cookies through the browser settings. However, if you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies), you may not be able to access all or parts of our Website.

Learn more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set, how to manage them, and how to delete them at www.allaboutcookies.org.

15. Miscellaneous

  • Acceptance: By using our Website, the Services or the Additional Services, the User automatically declares to understand and accept our Terms of Use and undertakes its responsibilities here foreseen.
  • Change in technical specifications: Users accept that Luso Homes reserves the right to change the content of the technical specifications of any aspect of its Services and Additional Services at any time, at its discretion, regardless of how it may affect the User's experience.
  • Force Majeure: Luso Homes and/or Luso Digital Assets shall not be liable for any failure or delay in performance resulting from circumstances beyond our reasonable control.
  • Severability: If any provision of these terms is deemed invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
  • Entire Agreement: These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between the User and Luso Digital Asset.
  • Contact information: For any questions or concerns regarding these terms, please contact us at legal@lusodigitalassets.com

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